Bitcoin - Who to believe.
I haven’t written about Bitcoin in a while, which is inexcusable since the Crypto World is changing daily. I talk about it all the time since many clients ask about it and I generally encourage people, if they plan to move a small part of their assets into Cryptocurrency. Under the condition of course that they are willing to educate themselves at least somewhat about it. I have always advocated for clients to know what they are invested in. But that is a little bit of a problem with Bitcoin, since it’s quite difficult to understand and to explain. We live in a time where many adapt to whatever explanation sounds logical or measures up with other narratives they favour. Bitcoin is no exception, it’s been called a scam, dangerous, Ponzi sceme and many other things. Most of these descriptions have originated in government and finance. These two are who will lose the most if Bitcoin ever becomes ‘a thing’. Yes, despite the overall return of 20037142% since the beginning, it’s still not even a thing yet. Bitcoin is designed to be a decentralized digital currency, without a central bank or single administrator, that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries. Without a central Bank! That is big and that is the reason that many people in government and finance are scared, scared to lose control and profits.
I think to understand Bitcoin, everyone must understand the current banking system first. I’ve been told that my Blog’s are too long, so this will be a series of Blog’s, and the first segment of this series will focus on the current financial system, its pillars, the players and the outlook. So, look for Cryptomania Part 1, coming soon.
Disclaimer: I do not hold, buy or sell Cryptocurrency for my clients. The sole purpose of these blogs is to educate. I currently hold some personal assets in Bitcoin, Solana, Kava and Cardano.